Monday 3 August 2015

The Cost of Treating Erectile Dysfunction

ED Protocol Program Review Men with erection issues complain these days that they have sex a lot less frequently. It wasn't that they didn't care about their partners, simply they couldn't afford it. Men tend to judge themselves quite harshly when it comes to their masculinity in the bedroom and the fear of not being able to perform in the sheets can be a major nightmare and stress. If you suffer from erectile dysfunction do not be so harsh on yourself, since this sexual issue can be improved with treatment, not necessarily having to rely on Viagra or other medications. Erectile dysfunction, also known as ED or impotence is a problem that affects about half of men in their 50s or 60s and still millions of men in younger age groups. For couples on a budget, the cost of using medications like Viagra pills, can be difficult to use on a regular basis. There are a range of other options for treating erectile dysfunction, including penis pumps, injections and surgical implants. Many of them are also quite costly and can unfortunately bring about side effects in some men.Pills and Pumps May Work For Some Men Viagra is expensive but a well-known treatment for erectile dysfunction. Pills do work in the case of 25 to 30 per cent of men with erection issues, or they simply stop working after a time of using them.

A lot of men think that pills will give them a complete solution but many discover that they are not the same in the bedroom as they were previous to the onset of their erectile dysfunction. Penis pumps work by drawing blood, via air suction, into the manhood. Men position the tube over the penis then pump to create an erection. An elastic band is placed around the base of the penis to keep the blood in there which will maintain the erection. Unfortunately, using pumps isn't the most spontaneous thing and despite producing erections for men, pumps have the lowest satisfaction rate of any erection treatment. Pills and Pumps Are Not the Only Treatments Available More men these days are finding success with more natural treatments. There are many options that make treating erectile dysfunction cheaper and even more effective than pills. Men are thinking about improving their heart and overall health first before pursuing chemical erection treatments. A cold slice of watermelon can help with bedroom performance. Citrulline, the amino acid is found in large quantities in watermelon, and can improve blood flow to the penis. There are many other super foods that can work well to reduce symptoms of erectile dysfunction. It is advisable to stay clear of fried and processed foods as these can contribute to decreased blood circulation throughout the body. Eat fish like salmon, mackerel, trout and fresh tuna twice a week. A healthy diet along with some regular exercise will not only help you to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, but will improve circulation which can have a great impact on your sex life. Acupuncture has become the new effective treatment even for erection issues Fine needles are placed in various parts of the body to relieve pain, stress and improve blood flow. Acupuncture has been shown to help people deal with stress and anxiety which can in turn have a positive effect on your sex life. If men want to add some extra fire to improve their sex life, herbal treatments have long been used to enhance & improve circulation. As erection issues all boil down to where the blood is going, a herb called ginkgo can also boost your blood flow hence help men to achieve better erections naturally. If you are looking to stop your erectile dysfunction permanently and start having hard erections by tonight, to read our featured story of how one man cured himself within a few days using a natural home remedy to cure his erectile dysfunction. The sooner you treat this condition the natural way, the sooner you can start enjoying the tremendous benefits of a great sex life!

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